You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs
Soft summer breezes wafted the sound
of mating frogs from the levees
to the open bedroom window,
waking the sleeping princess,
the beauty who wandered barefoot
across clipped grass to water's edge
to view the makers of the serenade.
Brisk winds following the August storm
carried upon them
the frenzied croak of frog
liberated in rain pool to procreate
to the princess who, in protective boots,
made her way to the rim of the mud puddle
to observe the rituals.
Both princesses returned
to solitary beds, slept
and dreamed of princes.
The frogs still croak. |

Pretend Once More
They Never Brought Flowers
Morning Desire
Dearheart, Have You Ever
Hold Me With Your Voice
The Solace of Chocolate
When the Immune System Refuses to
Candles Shimmered in the
Darkened Room
Lillith Poems
You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs
Return to Contents
Once Upon a Fairytale
