--for my sons
she was never the
princess never could be
though that's what she was called
born into a house that
wanted sons
she learned to be one look
like one
play male games became one
of the boys
the gang leader
she became the friend
through all the growing years
she longed
wanted the soft things
but grew to hate dolls and prom
was not hers
instead she accepted a
divorced feeling from feeling
existed in the shadows
of men's needs
long-time companions of
lovers who learned
to give
flowers and rings the soft
thins she desired
to others
the mother hovered in the doorway
the child clinging to
another her
sobs born of pain
too long held within child
of her soul
she understood
loved him as he was shared
and expected no more
he stayed
slept on chairs floors
flowers appeared roses
from the garden
fresh each day an offering
all she had ever desired