When the Immune System Refuses
to Work
Inoculations have been given,
years of trying to protect
against succumbing to infection --
but all efforts to avoid the illness
have been useless.
Years of union
with a malignant force granted
freedom for a time,
but after a period of avoidance
the sweet grasses of human
connection beckoned.
An undefended body
wandered into fields
that could prove lethal.
Not content with the bubble of safety
a venture into the living world
brought proof
the immunity was temporary
and selective. |
Pretend Once More
They Never Brought Flowers
Morning Desire
Dearheart, Have You Ever
Hold Me With Your Voice
The Solace of Chocolate
When the Immune System Refuses to
Candles Shimmered in the
Darkened Room
Lillith Poems
You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs
Return to Contents
Once Upon a Fairytale
