Rash's Poetry House

Class of '95 ] [ Between Childhood and Life ] Things That Mean Nothing ] The Network ] Rebel ] Remaining ] Waiting for the School Bus on Thursday After the Day-Care Center Closed ]

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A line of beads that divides the page

Between Childhood and Life

Long dark lashes
and sparkling smiles
made Jenna a favorite
at Saturday night parties
where she learned
     about weed
          then speed
               and coke
               and crack
               and crank
               from acid
               to H

Finally even she realized
something was

then rehab
          and sobriety

but the voices
never ceased

New Year's Day

she stood
before the mirror

and ended
the pain

The lonely girl

A line of beads that divides the page

Class of '95 ] [ Between Childhood and Life ] Things That Mean Nothing ] The Network ] Rebel ] Remaining ] Waiting for the School Bus on Thursday After the Day-Care Center Closed ]

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Picture of the books in Rash's Poetry House

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