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Proverted Logic
with Lewis Lloyd
They're bright, exceptionally bright
Why us? What did we do wrong?
too bright
It's the cruel joke of the universe.
and from earliest years
We thought we could deal with it alone.
they knew it.
It's revenge for learning not to feel.
Everyone knew it.
It makes us feel.
Michelle was blessed
with incredibly average parents.
Remember, you're not stupid;
they're average.
Too early reality
infringed upon childhood.
Something has it in for us.
Accurate perceptions grew
to self-destructive anger.
I hurt only me.
Phyllis kept her person
hidden for a lifetime.
We provide a service to the universe.
Only with children raised
did she dare become herself
If it didn't get us
we'd think we deserve what we get.
not someone's daughter -- wife -- mother
Everything we get is too good for us.
Lugh and Tones -- brothers --
If not us, who else?
very different -- joined in anger
at a good-ole-boy father.
It's a three-ring circus anyway.
Tones ruled his world with rage.
We touch the dark side -- and like it.
Lugh held the pain for everyone.
If we don't laugh, we cry.
Gwennie's father kept watch
over a daughter
We crave sensations.
who saw the anachronism of his life.
Sanity and intelligence is an oxymoron.
Rebellion came, wild rejection of beliefs.
Walk the edge -- jump off!
Renee, always angry,
lost family after family.
They have to have something
to take away from us.
None were able to understand.
It's a cruel idea of continual depressions.
They found one another, came together;
It forces to make contact with ones like us.
no reverence, no respect,
Creativity has to be challenged.
all life open to examination and ridicule.
We are multi-talented.
Protection is found within a family of misanthropes
We enter another dimension.
and they are allowed to be
as they were created.
We accept each other.

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